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Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein's THE ENCHANTED SELF®

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  Enchanting E-zine Responds to New York Times Article ‘The Trouble with Self Esteem’

Ocean, NJ – March 2002 – Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, Author, Life Coach, and Originator of THE ENCHANTED SELF, has an inspirational/self-help e-zine entitled 'Enchantment in an E-mail' that has been in circulation since August, 2000. 

Dr. Holstein writes Enchantment in an E-mail with a focus on positive memories and life stories.  Subscribers also receive lively and inspiring self-help exercises, quotes, blessings, and ‘recipes for enchantment’ which focus on an enhanced way of living in each issue.


Readers are encouraged to share their own positive memories by submitting them to Dr. Holstein, who often features courageous and uplifting stories from others. 

This month’s lead article is a response to a New York Times article ‘The Trouble with Self Esteem’ by Dr. Slater.  Dr. Holstein explains that self-esteem is a self-perception, unique to one person and is at its best when it is felt as a sense of positive regard inside of someone's head.  She also explains that this extra motivation is what helps a person to be valuable citizen.  THE ENCHANTED SELF explores ways to develop self-esteem and also live a life of purpose and meaning by using the three factors essential to well being, which are Authenticity of Self, Hope and Positive Action.

Dr. Holstein has been a psychologist in private practice since 1981.  Through the practice that she shares with her husband, Dr. Russell Holstein, they have created a long overdue shift in psychology by emphasizing what's right with us, rather than what's wrong.  She offers a new way of looking at your life ... your own 'enchanted self'.  Her goal is to inspire and encourage you to achieve your positive states of mind, body, and spirit. 

Dr. Holstein’s e-zine is sent out to subscribers on the 1st of each month.  Interested readers can subscribe to Enchantment in an E-mail and find links to archived issues at http://www.enchantedself.com/newsletter.htm.  There is also information on how to sign up for The Enchanted Self’s lengthy print newsletter that is also available by subscription. It comes out twice per year, and is filled with great stories of enchantment.  Anyone wanting a free sample copy can send an e-mail with his or her full name and address to encself@aol.com.

To learn more about the concepts of The Enchanted Self, you can read Dr. Holstein’s first book, THE ENCHANTED SELF, A Positive Therapy, which is now in its second printing.  Her second book, RECIPES FOR ENCHANTMENT, The secret ingredient is YOU! is available through 1st Books Library at www.1stbooks.com.  You can also visit her web site at http://www.enchantedself.com.  If you want to share your own personal magic with others join her e-group at http://www.egroups.com/subscribe/encself.

For more information please contact Dr. Holstein.

· Office Phone: (732) 571-1200 

· Toll Free Phone: (877) B-JOYFUL or (877) 256-9385

· Fax: (732) 571-1200

· Postal Address: P. O. Box 2112, Ocean, NJ, 07712

· E-mail: encself@aol.com 

· URL: http://www.enchantedself.com